My Thoughts on Trump's Handling of Gun Control

My thoughts on President Trump’s handling on gun violence

By Charlie Cohen

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These are my thoughts on President Trump’s actions (lack of action) on recent gun violence. Since president Trump has taken office, it seems like nothing good has happened, and everything has gone downhill. This is just my opinion, but maybe it is your opinion too. Since he’s been in office, it feels like gun violence has been a bigger issue than presidents before him.

I think the problem all has to do with the relationship Trump has with the NRA. The national rifle association is a pro-gun association that wants people to have guns, even assault rifles, and only talks about the second amendment. They say that people can and should own guns as protection. The only problem is that now they are used for attacking and people use them to attack people out of hate. The NRA never listens to any people who want to limit guns or make tighter laws, and have made rude comments about mass shootings. When the NRA makes comments about the shootings, Trump doesn’t stand up and say something impactful. Trump hasn’t proposed any laws banning types of guns (like assault rifles) or come up with any tighter gun laws. It almost seems like the NRA is bribing him, or that he really doesn’t care about the safety of our citizens. The NRA has been trying to brainwash Trump to not do anything, and it’s been in their favor. It’s corruption.

After the parkland shooting last year, Trump said that the FBI could have stopped it if they weren’t focusing on Russian collusion. This comment lead to controversy, and made it seem like he didn’t care about the victims at all. Some students tweeted back and forth with him about his non-healing comments. Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez once explained on TV that thoughts and condolences aren’t enough, as change is needed. Well, only thirteen states so far have passed red flag laws.This law allows police or family members to ask that guns get taken away from people who may be dangerous or threatening. We have  had so many shootings lately: Pittsburgh, Santa Fe, most recently California, and he honestly doesn’t do or say anything helpful. He didn’t cancel rallies after Pittsburgh and when he did go there to give “thoughts and condolences,” they protested him. He has not done enough. He hasn’t done anything.

Sometime soon, Trump needs to make a change and propose some sort of law to change this violence. His position as president is to protect our country, and try and do the best he can to have better laws to make America a safer place. Even Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey was trying to get better gun laws, but his ideas were shot down. It’s awful, and it feels like no one can do anything if even the President doesn’t do anything.

Again, change is needed.
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 This is the link to my coalition to stop gun violence fundraising page. Every dollar helps!
